
Plumbing Trade Magazine front cover image

Advertising with Plumbing Trade Magazine is a smart business decision.

Plumbing Trade Magazine is the plumbing industry’s guide to essential products and services. Putting buyer and sellers within the industry in direct contact.

Royal Mail LogoTarget Audience: Distributed directly to plumbing merchants and the other larger plumbing contracting companies.

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Contact: If you want to learn more about how Plumbing Trade Magazine can help your business click here to contact Gemma Winstanley or call 01257 267677

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Reasons to use magazine

1. Magazines and magazine ads capture focused attention:

The focused process of magazine reading leads to less media multi-tasking, ensuring single-minded attention to advertising.


2. Magazine advertising is targeted: 

Magazines engage readers in very personal ways. There’s a magazine for every passion and a passion for every magazine.

3. Magazine advertising is relevant and welcomed: 

Consumers value magazine advertising, reading it almost as much as the editorial itself. The ads are accepted as an essential part of the magazine mix.

4. Magazines are credible: 

Consumers trust magazines so much that they are the leading sources of information that readers recommend by word-of-mouth to others.

5. Magazines offer a lasting message: 

Ads keep working 24/7. They provide a lasting, durable message with time to study a brand’s benefits. Consumers clip and save magazine ads for future reference.

6. Magazines deliver brand relevant imagery: 

Magazine editorial imbues ads with brand relevant imagery, associations and a frame of reference that delivers greater reader receptivity to brand ads.

7. Magazine advertising drives web searches and visits: 

Magazines are where consumers go for ideas and inspiration. That’s why magazine ads are leading influencers, driving readers to advertiser websites and to start a search.

8. Magazines sell: 

Study after study prove that magazines help drive sales objectives, as a stand alone medium or in combination with others. Over half of readers act on exposure to magazine ads.